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2022 서울식물원 국제심포지엄

2022 서울식물원 국제심포지엄

  • 기간 2022. 9. 5.(월)
  • 장소 서울식물원 식물문화센터 지하1층 메인홀
  • 시간 14:00~17:00
  • 관람료 무료, 현장접수는 선착순 50명에 한함 ※코로나 방역관련으로 양해 바랍니다.
  • 초록집 초록집.pdf


 2022 International Symposium of Seoul Botanic Park
14:00?14:15 PM: Opening Ceremony for the Symposium
14:15?14:40 PM: Program: 'The Natural History Museum of Denmark ? creating a sense of wonder and joy in the natural world that inspires us to care and empowers us to act'
Speaker: Natasha de Vere, Associate Professor and Curator of Botany, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
14:40?15:05 PM: Program: 'Climate Change ? Current and future impacts on the Living Collections and Garden Landscapes of The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh'
Speaker: David Knott, Curator of Living Collections, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (UK)
15:05?15:30 PM: Program: 'A Guided Tour of the World's Northernmost Botanic Garden in Tromsø, North Norway'
Speaker: Arve Elvebakk, Leader & Professor, University of Tromsø & Arctic-alpine Botanic Garden (Norway)
15:30?15:40 PM: Break Time
15:40?16:00 PM: Program: 'National Institute of Ecology and Conservation and Restoration of Endangered Species'
Speaker: Do-Soon Cho, President of National Institute of Ecology (Korea)
16:00?16:20 PM: Program: 'The New Normal 2.0 ? Climate Crisis and Arboretums & Botanic Gardens'
Speaker: Young-Tae Choi, Director General of Korea National Arboretum (Korea)
16:20?17:10 PM: Discussion
Moderator: Professor Jeong-Il Jeon, Singu University
17:10?17:15 PM: Closing Remark 


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