Plant Science Laboratory We collect and cultivate target species that need protection, and conduct research in various fields such as the conservation of plant genetic resources and development of useful plant resources for enhancing biodiversity.
Establishment of a research foundation for plant conservation and propagation
① Propagation and reintroduction of useful plants
② Protection, and management of species on the Korean Peninsula against climate change
③ Research related to the urban ecosystem and restoration
*Relevant facilities: laboratory, clean room, tissue culture room, etc.
Cultivation and propagation of plants, cultivation of new breeds, construction of a large production system
① Production and supply of plants for exhibition through the production of plants and the development of methods for propagation
② Management of plant cultivation and research for the propagation and preservation of target species and protected species at Seoul Botanic Park
* Related facilities: Cultivation, Propagation, and Tropical Greenhouses, Outdoor Garden
Establishment of system and infrastructure for securing and conserving plant genetic resources
① Establishment of comprehensive database through discovery of useful plants, as well as search and investigation of plant genetic resources
② Collection and storage of endangered, rare, and native species and establishment of conservation plans
*Relevant facilities: Plant Specimen Room, Seed Storage