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Botanic Garden

Botanic Garden

Botanic Garden consists of outdoor Display Garden reproducing the Korean traditional garden with native plants, and Conservatory exhibiting plants from 12 tropical and Mediterranean cities. Other attractions include the Kid's Garden School and Magok Cultural Hall (previous pump station).

Main Facilities
Botanic Center, Kid's Garden School, Magok Cultural Hall (previous Yangcheon Drainage Pump Station)

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Travel to Korea's Nature and Gardens

You can experience the past and present of Korean horticulture.
Based on the stories of each plant, we have organized the eight Display Garden showing Korean plants and horticulture.

  • Windy Garden
    Offers visitors a welcome respite and composure through the exotic ambiance of saw grass and purple reed-grass.
  • Seasonal Garden
    Highlights the beauty of the procession of seasonal flowers budding, blooming and wilting.
  • Memory Garden
    On display are plants that were once common but now only remain in our memory.
  • Meditative Garden
    Brings out the beauty of the traditional Korean garden, which embraces its surrounding scenery.
  • Welcome Garden
    Accentuates seasonal senses with plants representative of Korea’s four seasons
  • Healing Garden
    Displays medicinal plants widely known in the East and the West for their therapeutic and healing properties.
  • Gardeners’s Garden
    An experimental space for garden designers seeking to set new garden trends.
  • Rock Garden
    Reconstructs the traditional Korean forest with indigenous species and special plants that are not well known to the public.